Nandi Kollenburg


Nandi Kollenburg studied Dutch Law at the University of Tilburg. During her studies, she developed a high interest for family law. This is why she decided to fully focus on this topic during her Master’s degree. Nandi was able to put her knowledge into practice by doing several internships and by working at the family court in ’s-Hertogenbosch. In 2013, Nandi graduated cum laude with her thesis on lesbian parenting, which advises were put in practice by COC Nederland.

After her studies, Nandi started working for a medium sized law firm in Amsterdam, where for three years she was working on complicated divorce issues, matrimonial property law and children affairs. To specialize even further, she started working at the Boorder.

In 2018 Nandi wrote, in collaboration with other specialists operating in the field of divorce law, the “Praktijkgids (echt)scheiding voor consumenten”. In essence the book portrays the legal practice regarding divorces, thereby aiming to inform spouses and prevent them from making frequent recurring mistakes. The book is available at every book trade and online store (including Nandi also published an eBook named “Hoofdzaken (echt)scheiding”, which can be downloaded here.

Nandi is flexible, knows how to deal with stress and has an eye for detail. Thanks to her critical point of view, she is able to quickly get to the point. She will devode herself to succesfully close the case with all the necessary perseverance.

De scheidingsspecialisten van De Mediator zijn lid van de Kring van Scheidingsspecialisten.

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