We offer flexibility, guts, personal attention and legal advice at the levels of quality expected from major firms, but in a more intimate setting.

Marjoleine de Boorder

Marjoleine de Boorder

Founder & Partner

Marjoleine de Boorder is a founding partner, mediator and collaborative divorce lawyer.

She has been involved in family law since 1992. Her practice increasingly focuses on collaborative divorce and mediation, and she enjoys a national reputation. She introduced the collaborative divorce to the Netherlands and for many years chaired the Dutch Association of Collaborative Professionals (VvCP), while also being a member of the Dutch Association of Family Lawyers and Divorce Mediators (vFAS). Marjoleine is a member of the Randstad Collaborative Divorce Group (Overlegscheiding Randstad), which includes lawyers, coaches and financial experts from the Randstad area (www.overlegscheidingrandstad.nl).

Her strength lies in acting energetically (‘getting to grips’ with a case): the ability to achieve the results in a nimble, professional and swift manner. She regards complex cases, where the opposing interests seem like an obstacle to achieving a result, as a challenge. She often manages to achieve optimum results by allowing scope for the personal motives and interests of both parties. She has an affinity for entrepreneurs: strong characters who are used to running their lives as they see fit.



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